
5/25/20, 5:52 PM - Are the tests for the Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers performed in the hospitals for the differential diagnosis when Covid-19 is suspected?

Image Michael Novakhov @mikenov # CDC # NIH # NIAID Are the tests for the Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers performed in the hospitals for the differential diagnosis when Covid-19 is suspected? - Google Search M.N.: I GUESS, THE ANSWER IS NO!!! WHO WILL GIVE THE DEFINITIVE ANSWER, AND WHEN?! https://www. he+tests+for+the+Viral+Hemorrhagic+fevers+performed+in+hospitals+for+differential+diagnosis+when+Covid-19+is+suspected%3F&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS733US733&oq=Are+the+tests+for+the+Viral+Hemorrhagic+fevers+performed+in+hospitals+for+differential+diagnosis+when+Covid-19+is+suspected%3F&aqs=chrome..69i57.83545j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8  … Michael Novakhov @mikenov M.N.: A REMARKABLE LACK OF INFORMATION ON THIS SUBJECT! - covid-19 sars-cov-2 differential diagnosis with viral hemorrhagic fevers - Google Search https://www.