
Showing posts with the label COVID-19 is man-made

4:55 AM 5/16/2020 » Why COVID-19 appears to be man-made

Image ___________________________________________________________________ »   Why COVID-19 appears to be man-made. China says it came from bats like RaTG13, which China says is the closest bat relative. But the amino acid sequence differs in 17 positions in the critical receptor binding domain. It is closer to pangolin, which is un 16/05/20 00:12 from  Twitter Search / LawrenceSellin Why COVID-19 appears to be man-made. China says it came from bats like RaTG13, which China says is the closest bat relative. But the amino acid sequence differs in 17 positions in the critical receptor binding domain. It is closer to pan... CoronaVirus News Review In Brief _________________________________________________________________ »   Figure 7B in the May 7, 2020 Nature article "Isolation of SARS-CoV-2-related coronavirus from Malayan pangolins" clearly shows that COVID-19's (SARS-CoV-2_WIV02) ...