7:10 AM 5/22/2020 - Were the #IllegalImmigrants used to spread #Covid19? Is this a part of the Leftist Plot? | Illegal immigrants employed at farms and meat plants | Covid-19 in illegal immigrants detention centers - GS
Michael Novakhov @mikenov Were the # IllegalImmigrants used to spread # Covid19 as the # HumanBombs and the # Carriers of # WeaponizedAnimalInfections , such as # ASF ? Did # FBI look into this?! - Google Search https:// images.app.goo.gl/2eTWGCRP86kDpW cf6 … Image: County confirms 3 COVID-19 cases linked to Harlingen nursing ... Found on Google from news.sellorbuyhomefast.com google.com 44 s _____________________________________________________ https://covid-19-review.blogspot.com/2020/05/710-am-5222020-were-illegalimmigrants.html ____________________________________________________________ Michael Novakhov @mikenov Were the # IllegalImmigrants used to spread # Covid19 as the # HumanBombs and the # Carriers of # WeaponizedAnimalInfections , such as # ASF ? Did # FBI look into this?! - Google Search https:// images.app.goo.gl/b9rQHkRs2hyLpW qY6 … Image: biodefense – Page 3 – Th...