"6:39 AM 5/28/2020 - This finding echoes WHO and several COVID-19 studies of global research teams that have suggested COVID-19 origins unknown." - globaltimes.cn
This finding echoes WHO and several COVID-19 studies of global research teams that have suggested COVID-19 origins unknown. https://www. globaltimes.cn/content/118967 7.shtml … __________________________________________________________________ https://covid-19-review.blogspot.com/2020/05/639-am-5282020-this-finding-echoes-who.html Covid-19 is in fact the predicted earlier DISEASE X - 2019, and we still do not know, if it is one or several diseases or infections, and what are its causes and mechanisms. It might be the new combination type of the bioweapon of the new type of the pandemic - biowarfare, introduced by the sophisticated Intelligence Operation, possibly the German New Abwehr. - M.N. Blogs from Michael_Novakhov _______________________________________________________________ Blogs from Michael_Novakhov (25 sites) Covid-19-Review: 12:41 PM 5/27/2020 - Covid-19 is the Disease-X-19, one or several diseases or infections, with uncertain causes and me...