
Showing posts from June 6, 2020

5:36 PM 6/6/2020 - M.N.: Use reading glasses & talk plain English. "I don't see this as an intelligence failure," she said, but rather a question of how finite resources are prioritized." Coronavirus may force the U.S. intelligence community to rethink... | In single Brazilian state, some 2,400 meat plant workers catch coronavirus, officials say | Meatpacking plants can’t shake COVID-19 cases despite Trump order | How does blood type affect the risk of contracting COVID-19? | Covid-19 likely to benefit Trump in upcoming poll

M.N.: After this Unquestionable and Quite Obvious Failure Of American Intelligence which they will cite in the textbooks as an example of the systemic failure in this field for centuries to come, it is reasonable to ask a question, if this "Intelligence" is worth about 100 Billions dollars spent on it each year, or even a fraction of this amount.  __________________________________________________________________________ »   mikenov on Twitter: M.N.: Use reading glasses & talk plain English."I don't see this as an intelligence failure," she said, but rather a question of how finite resources are prioritized."Coronavirus may force the U.S. intelligence community to ret 06/06/20 16:12 from  Michael Novakhov on Twitter from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites) M.N.: Use reading glasses & talk plain English. "I don't see this as an intelligence failure," she said, but rather a question of how finite resources are prioritized." Coronavirus ...