The Disease X-19: "Both health and law enforcement officials should be aware of the possibility for use of more than one biological agent or a combination of agents." - Medical Aspects of Biological Warfare
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"The greatest griefs are those we cause ourselves." - from "Oedipus Rex" by Sophocles
Epidemic in Oedipus Rex text quotes- GS | Plague in Oedipus Rex - GS | Plague Oedipus Rex quotes - GS | Man-made epidemics in human history - GS | History of biological weapons - GS | History of Biological Warfare - GS
» mikenov on Twitter: the plague of Thebes could be a composite of >2 causative agents, as it has been suggested for the contemporary plague of Athens (6,7). The Plague of Thebes, a Historical Epidemic in Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex - Volume 18, Number 1—
03/06/20 13:50 from Michael Novakhov on Twitter from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
the plague of Thebes could be a composite of >2 causative agents, as it has been suggested for the contemporary plague of Athens (6,7). The Plague of Thebes, a Historical Epidemic in Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex - Volume 18, Number 1—Januar...
M.N.: This likely points to its deliberate, intentional man-made nature, and to the use of these epidemics as the Biological Warfare.
Both health and law enforcement officials should be aware of the possibility for use of more than one biological agent or a combination of agents. - Medical Aspects of Biological Warfare, p.46
9:11 AM 5/31/2020 - The Disease X-19 Hypothesis: Disease X-19 presently designated as "Covid-19", is the complex and long standing, of about at least 2-3 years duration, combination of the Biological and the Information Warfare, conceived, operationalized, and managed by the New Abwehr to commemorate the 75-th anniversary of the end of the WW2, among the many other geopolitical goals and objectives.
The Hypothesis of the Disease X-19 as the New Abwehr Intelligence Operation and the new type of the combined Biological - Informational Warfare
Disease X-19 presently designated as "Covid-19", is in my humble opinion, the complex and long standing, of about at least 2-3 years duration, combination of the Biological and the Informational Warfare, conceived, operationalized, and managed by the New Abwehr to commemorate the 75-th anniversary of the end of the WW2, among the many other geopolitical goals and objectives. Covid-19 is the Disease-X-19, one or several diseases or infections, with uncertain causes and mechanisms.
It started in 2016 - 2017, and is the direct sequel of the Operation Trump: the managed and manipulated election of Donald Trump as the US President. The Russian Jewish Mafia are the foot soldiers and the immediate executors for the New Abwehr in both operations.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and U.S. President Donald Trump are seen as they pose for a family photo at the start of the NATO summit in Brussels, Belgium July 11, 2018.| Reinhard Krause | Reuters
"Spiegel said Germany’s BND spy agency had asked members of the U.S.-led “Five Eyes” intelligence alliance for evidence to support the accusation. None of the alliance’s members, the United States, Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, wanted to support Pompeo’s claim, it said.
An intelligence report prepared for German Defense Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer concluded that the U.S. accusations were a deliberate attempt to divert public attention away from President Donald Trump’s “own failures”."

The Covid-19 Epidemic in the U.S. is clearly exploited for the political purposes, and the tactic is the same as in 2016 social media racially divisive posts and it goes much deeper: into all the post-WW2 decades: to sow the seeds of the racial divisions and to incite the racial wars in America.
Apr 12, 2020 - "The virus is disproportionately affecting people of color, primarily in densely populated cities." And there might be the very prosaic and the purely epidemiological reason for this, not the evil anti-Black racial designs: higher rates of the rodent infestations in the poor Black-Latino neighborhoods, which transmit the Hantavirus (possibly the Seoul type) infection, which might be one of the components of this epidemic and this pandemic.
-hantavirus map 2019— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 31, 2020
Disease X-19 is the combined and complex biological weapon. The main and the most deadly part of it is the Hantavirus Infection, transmitted by the rodents, with the "novel Coronavirus", Sars-Cov-2 as the second part and the cover, designed to facilitate the infectivity of the main Hantavirus part, and to make the attempts to arrive at the correct diagnosis confusing and more difficult.
The exact or even the approximate nature of this hypothetical mix, which might also include the bacterial component, such as Chlamydia and/or others, and the interactions between the agents within it, potentially producing the complex and confusing clinical picture, is not clear at all. This situation is further complicated by the practically unlimited possibilities of Gene Editing which can easily change the established knowledge and anticipations of the clinical and microbiological postulates.
On the Information Warfare end, it appears that the emergence of the Disease X-19 Pandemic was promoted by the unprecedented and orchestrated mass media campaign, controlled by the New Abwehr. The initial "legend", the explaining story, was constructed around the emergence of the epidemic in Wuhan, China, and reflects the today's geopolitical underpinnings and the ease of the manipulation of the mechanistic Chinese medical thinking and the Chinese public opinion.
And not Chinese only. Mechanistism pervades the American Medicine (and more so as of late) and the American culture. Hospitals are the factories of illnesses and death, not health.
Hypoxia, according to the measurements? Put them on the respirators. "Happy Hypoxia"? Why is this so? It is not supposed to be this way. Most of the patients who were put on the respirators in NYC Hospitals did not survive.
Manipulated by the "omniscient" and hysterical, sensations and profits driven mass media, the crowds first stormed into the Emergency Rooms, and then they stormed out. Now they are avoiding the ER-s even with the life threatening conditions, for fear of infection.
This epidemic exposed the glaring, abject deficiencies and failures of the U.S. Health Non-System, which is the product and the sequence of its problematic Social System at large.
It looks like the mechanistic, one dimensional thinking and attitudes affect the work and the outlooks of the American Intelligence Services also, otherwise we would not find ourselves in this unprecedented bio-informational crisis. It does not appear to be just the unlucky coincidence, that the CIA lost most of its agents in China prior to this crisis, it most probably was a part of the design of the "Operation Covid-19".
Apparently, the Chinese epidemic was first seeded in 2016-2018 by infecting the huge and commercially competitive livestock of the domestic pigs with the Coronavirus, Hantavirus, and the African/Classical Swine Fevers, with the latter served as the manifest pathological cover for the first two infections.
About half of the Chinese pigs livestock was culled, and most likely the carcasses were not disposed of properly, providing the abundant feeds for the rats and mice, and infecting them with the pathogens listed above, largely asymptomatically.
It is also quite possible, and even likely, that the significant part of the infected pork and pork products were sold at the discounted prices and shipped broadly worldwide, providing the operators and the executors of the Disease X-19 future pandemic with the ready made, natural and accessible infectious material in unlimited supply.
My assumption and the part of this hypothesis is, that this infectious pork was then broadly distributed and dispersed in the major capital cities around the world, by adding them discreetly, in the sealed bags, to the street garbage piles, thus infecting the rodents with these and possibly other infectious diseases.
The recent, last 2-3 years especially, explosions of the rodent populations, including the unusually large and possibly "transgenic" rats in the major world capitals and the other large cities is the well known fact. It is logical to assume that these explosions of rat and mice populations are due to the generous feedings of the infected pork as the part of this operation and the warfare. The exports of large infected river rats under the guise of the pet trade, possibly including from North Korea, as the part of their biological war program and offensive, is also quite possible.

Striped field mouse, identified as the source of the viral infection in the area of Hantaan River near the Korean demilitarized zone can be seen as the symbol of the country divided in two.

The history of the Seoul virus reveals its intimate connection and possible use in the war related activities: "HFRS came to the recognition of western physicians during the Korean War between 1951 and 1954 when more than 3,000 United Nations soldiers fell ill in an outbreak. In 1976, the first pathogenic hantavirus, the Hantaan orthohantavirus, was isolated from rodents near the Hantan River in South Korea."
"Human disease due to hantaviral infections first came to the attention of Western medicine during the Korean Conflict, when a mysterious “new” disease, Korean hemorrhagic fever, was seen among the United Nations forces. At that time, over 2,000 U.S. troops were infected, and many deaths occurred 2 . In spite of intense investigations by some of the most prominent medical scientists of the era, the causative agent was not identified, and it wasn't until 1976, just over a decade ago, that the etiologic agent was finally discovered 3 ."
The "allegations of biological warfare in the Korean War" have a long and complicated history, and the use of the infected rodents by the North Koreans against the American soldiers might have been a part of this biological warfare, which in turn is rooted and goes back to the Japanese and German experiments during WW2. It is quite possible, that the traditions of the infected rodents' use go far back for centuries into the Korean military history, but this subject remains quite murky, and expectedly so.
"Human conflict during the lethal 20th century also played a prominent role in elucidation of the etiology, clinical evolution, epidemiology, and ecology of HFRS. “Field nephritis”, which occurred in both allied and German troops in Flanders during World War I, may well have been caused by a hantavirus now known to occur in western Europe and Scandinavia (Bradford 1916; Arnold 1944). Japanese military physicians encountered the disease in the mid 1930s after invading Manchuria (Kitano 1944), Finnish and German soldiers were affected during World War II (Stuhlfauth 1943; Hortung 1944), and UN troops first encountered the original hantavirus during the Korean Conflict in 1951 (Smadel 1953).
Japanese scientists utilized human subjects in an effort to isolate a causative agent for HFRS. Tissues from wild mice (A. agrarius) and from mites (Laelaps jettmari) induced the disease in volunteers, but no other animal could be established as an experimental host for infection (KITANO 1944)."
One of the US studies determined that the "hantaviral antigen is detectable for weeks to months in many major organs, but, most importantly, infectious virus is shed in saliva, feces, and especially urine, perhaps for the duration of the rodent's life. This virus shedding occurs in spite of the presence of both indirect immunofluorescent antibody (IFA) and neutralizing antibody in serum 5 . Thus, the infected rodent becomes a persistent source of infectious virus, and we suspect that it is through aerosolized virus that is excreted in infected rodent urine and feces that most human infections occur. This persistent shedding of infectious virus by chronically infected rodents appears to be a general characteristic of all the hantaviruses and their rodent hosts, and is a critical aspect in the epidemiology of this group of viruses 6 .
Hantaviral infections can be acquired either overseas, including as part of military service, or right here in the United States, from local infected rats; but regardless of the source of infection, there is growing evidence that some patients will progress to chronic renal disease and perhaps end-stage kidney failure."
Later on, some "unusual" outbreaks, including the Seoul virus, were detected in the U.S..
The Hantavirus infections occur in all parts of the world. "In 2017 alone, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) in Germany received 1,713 notifications of hantavirus infections.[46]"
The map below reflects the distribution of Hantavirus cases in Germany.
"Map: Incidence (number of reported diseases per 100,000 population) of hantavirus diseases in humans in the years 2001-2018 (source: SurvStat @ RKI 2.0: data status: 22.05.2019) with the known distribution limit of Puumala orthohantavirus in the vole. Counties with high incidences represent areas with a higher risk to the population."
It is interesting to note some similarity with the distribution of the Covid-19 cases in Germany, with the prevalence in the South Western regions.
In 2017 - 2018 there were several outbreaks of the Seoul virus in the US, including the pet rats and their owners, which were investigated by the CDC.
It appears that the clinical presentations and manifestations of the Disease X-19 are quite diverse, complex, polymorphous, multi-system and multi-organs, and they vary in severity from asymptomatic to lethal pulmonary, kidney, and other conditions. This complex clinical picture can represent several different illnesses.
Renal syndrome occupies the prominent and important, if not the central place, along with the pneumonia, in this panoply of clinical conditions.
The question remains, if the testings and evaluations for the infections other than presumed "novel Coronavirus", the Sars-Cov-2, are performed in the hospital settings routinely, although the clinical diagnostic tests for Hantavirus do exist. The main culprit can be easily missed if the differential diagnosis is not entertained. Furthermore, the clinical pictures of the Hantavirus infections and "Covid-19" appear to be very similar, practically the same, which complicates and confuses the situation further.
In one of the Mount Sinai studies, the "sustained community transmissions" rather than the "foreign importations" were found to play the main and the primary role in NYC, pointing to the innate rather than outside sources of infection.
"The authors also found evidence that early spread of the virus in New York City was sustained by community transmission. Their data also point to the limited efficacy of travel restrictions in a place once multiple introductions of the virus and community-driven transmission have already occurred."
"With increased testing, we observed the emergence of community-acquired infections. Most of these were caused by viral isolates derived from clades that were circulating in Europe, likely reflecting local transmissions from undetected introductions."
These findings are echoed by the CDC study.
"Nearly a month before community spread was first detected, "sustained, community transmission" of the coronavirus in the United States began in late January or early February, a report from the CDC says...
The data indicates that "sustained, community transmission had begun before detection of the first two non travel–related U.S. cases, likely resulting from the importation of a single lineage of virus from China in late January or early February, followed by several importations from Europe," the report says...
They found that community spread of the coronavirus began between January 18 and February 9, the report says, with "cryptic circulation" or undetected transmission underway by early February."
"It is not known how many U.S. infections occurred during February and March, but overall disease incidence before February 28 was too low to be detected through emergency department syndromic surveillance data."
It is not clear if the testing for Sars-Cov-2 reflects the true spread of this disease if it is the co-infection with Hantaviruses and other pathogens. The testing should include all the reasonably suspected underlying and coexisting causes.
Nevertheless, the results of these studies appear to lend the empirical support to the line of thought expressed in the presented hypothesis: the preparations for the emergence of the Disease X-19 were going on for some time, at least past 2-3 years. The evidence is in the presence of the "cryptic circulations" and the undetected community transmissions.
The explosion of this phenomenon into the open occurred as the result of the massive, coordinated, and sophisticated global "Information Attack". These circumstances also point to the very likely nature of this "Covid-19" phenomenon as the act of the Biological Warfare and the very well, smartly and shrewdly designed and executed, with the use of the multiple covers, Intelligence Operation, which is the style of the New Abwehr.
One might ask: why not the Russians or the Chinese, or the North Koreans, or the Iranians?
My answer: the degree of sophistication. It might be the blessing, and it might be the revealing sign in the Intelligence Operations. And sometimes, "unconsciously" or not, too revealing.
Zi-zi. Zi boyz want their credit due, they want to be recognized. Zey want their "Noble Prize". Und zey diz'ov it, don't zey?
In summary, the Disease X-19 Hypothesis is presented in this post as the brief, general and somewhat schematic outline. The details, causes and mechanisms, the medical-epidemiological and forensic-criminological-counterintelligence aspects of this hypothesis have to be researched, investigated, and elucidated.
See also the previous posts and attached to them links and references.
Michael Novakhov
9:11 AM 5/31/2020 | Latest Update: 7:00 AM 6/3/2020
See also:
1:01 PM 6/3/2020 - "Both health and law enforcement officials should be aware of the possibility for use of more than one biological agent or a combination of agents." - Medical Aspects of Biological Warfare
» mikenov on Twitter: Both health and law enforcement officials should be aware of the possibility for use of more than one biological agent or a combination of agents. - Medical Aspects of Biological Warfare
#PopeFrancis dedicates a Vatican ambulance to serve the poor who sleep rough on the streets of Rome.
New technologies like gene-editing have the potential to make future bioweapons deadlier and easier to create, while COVID-19 demonstrates just how vulnerable the world is to any kind of biological threat.— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 30, 2020
#Bioweapons #labs-#factories #disguised as #RATTERIES #spread the #DISEASE X - 19 (#Coronavirus + #Hantavirus + ???) around the #world, as the #tool of the #RussianMafia and the #NewAbwehr - Google Search— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 30, 2020
Conclusion: Hantaan and Seoul viruses co-circulated in Wuhan area, Hubei province. Novel genetic lineages were identified in this study and Seoul virus might have caused spillover infection in A. agrarius.— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 30, 2020
In light of the new possibilities of Gene Editing, the knowledge of transmission modes & features of the Infections should not be treated as the unquestionable and codified, but as presumptive, easily changeable, & geared to use of pathogens as bioweapons— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 29, 2020
South Korea warns against eating river rats - BBC News— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 29, 2020
M.N.: #SheerMadness!!! Close & #investigate these "RATTERIES"!— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 29, 2020
These are the first known cases of individuals catching the #virus from their pets in #Canada or the #US.#CDC Identifies #SeoulVirus #Outbreak Among Pet #Rat Owners | The Scientist Magazine®
#NYC— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 29, 2020
"#Hantavirus cannot be spread from #person to person."
M.N.: Wrong! The ANDES type can!
See #AndesHantavirus - Google Search
Mono County Health Officials Warn Of Hantavirus, Similar Symptom - KTVN Channel 2 - Reno Tahoe Sparks News, Weather, Video
M.N.: #Covid-19 community #transmissions in large #cities #worldwide predated any presumed travel spread due to preexisting intentional spread of #Hantavirus #infection in #rats populations— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 29, 2020
How about the eyes, Dr. Redfield? I think, it should cover the eyes too. Or are they already wide shut? It looks like it, when you take the covers off...— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 29, 2020
Analysis of COVID-19 autopsies reveals... blood clots in multiple other organ systems—most notably the brain, kidney, and liver—reflects endothelial damage as an underlying process— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 29, 2020
COVID-19 is a great masquerader, and its clotting complications can lead to pulmonary, cardiac, neurologic, gastrointestinal, cutaneous, genitourinary, renal, musculoskeletal, face, ... problems— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 29, 2020
The author of CONFUSION and Misinformation? - M.N.— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 29, 2020
News - christian drosten - Google Search
#DiseaseX would be #viral, originate in #animals and would #emerge in a place where #economic development drives #people and #wildlife together, it would be confused with other diseases— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 29, 2020
Understanding zoonotic diseases: Is COVID-19 Disease X of ... 2018?
____________________________________________________________M.N.: Baloney, you hypocrite M.F.-s! Germany and the New Abwehr did it, and it will be proven!— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 30, 2020
CDCT currently has no concrete evidence of a heightened risk of bioterrorist attack due to the pandemic.
The Council of Europe continues working... - Newsroom
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Covid-19-Review: 1:32 PM 5/30/2020 - Rodents as Potential Couriers for Bioterrorism Agents: "It is relatively easy to infect wild rodents with certain pathogens or to release infected rodents, and the action would be difficult to trace. Rodents can also function as reservoirs for diseases that have been spread during a bioterrorism attack and cause recurring disease outbreaks." | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
![]() ________________________________________________________________ It is relatively easy to infect wild rodents with certain pathogens or to release infected rodents, and the action would be difficult to trace. Rodents can also function as reservoirs for diseases that have been spread during a bioterrorism attack and cause recurring disease outbreaks. Rodents as Potential Couriers for Bioterrorism AgentsMichael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks | InBrief |-
____________________________________________________________________________ Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks | InBrief | |
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The average time period, from start to peak for the epidemics of the flu-like illnesses appears to be approximately 6 months. It looks like the present Covid-19 Epidemic in the Western Europe and New York peaked about April 1 or the begi...
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14/05/20 12:57 from Blogs from Michael_Novakhov (19 sites) ____________________________________________________________________ Research: Sars-Cov-2 is the uniquely human virus, and its spontaneous emergence ...
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14/05/20 12:23 from Blogs from Michael_Novakhov (19 sites) ________________________________________________________________________ The Origins of Covid-19 M.N.: No bats, no pangolins! Sars-Cov-2 is uniquely...
14/05/20 12:23 from Blogs from Michael_Novakhov (19 sites) ________________________________________________________________________ The Origins of Covid-19 M.N.: No bats, no pangolins! Sars-Cov-2 is uniquely...
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6:52 AM 5/14/2020 - CoronaVirus News Review In Brief _________________________________________________________________ » World G...
14/05/20 06:55 from Blogs from Michael_Novakhov (19 sites)
6:52 AM 5/14/2020 - CoronaVirus News Review In Brief _________________________________________________________________ » World G...
» Covid-19-Review: 1:37 PM 5/13/2020 - Covid-19 and Swine Flu: Is there a connection? Is pork infected and is it a source of the illness? Why are the meat plant workers getting sick?
13/05/20 13:39 from Blogs from Michael_Novakhov (19 sites) Michael Novakhov @mikenov sars differential diagnosis with swine flu - Google Search https://www. differential+diagnosis+with+swin...
13/05/20 13:39 from Blogs from Michael_Novakhov (19 sites) Michael Novakhov @mikenov sars differential diagnosis with swine flu - Google Search https://www. differential+diagnosis+with+swin...
» Covid-19-Review: » 'This could not be further from the truth': NYPD commissioner blasts accusations of racism in social ... 13/05/20 11:33 from Google Alert - coronavirus and nypd
13/05/20 12:13 from Blogs from Michael_Novakhov (19 sites) A masked Statue of Liberty outside a Brooklyn home on Tuesday. Credit… Demetrius Freeman for The New York Times CoronaVirus News CoronaVirus News Review...
13/05/20 12:13 from Blogs from Michael_Novakhov (19 sites) A masked Statue of Liberty outside a Brooklyn home on Tuesday. Credit… Demetrius Freeman for The New York Times CoronaVirus News CoronaVirus News Review...
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