
Showing posts with the label Covid-19 as Intelligence Operation

12:41 PM 5/27/2020 - Covid-19 is the Disease-X-19, one or several diseases or infections, with uncertain causes and mechanisms. It might be the new Bioweapon of the new Pandemic-Biowarfare, the clever and sophisticated Intelligence Operation, possibly by German New Abwehr - M.N.

Image ___________________________________________________________________ Covid-19 is the Disease-X-19, one or several diseases or infections, with uncertain causes and mechanisms. It might be the new Bioweapon of the new Pandemic-Biowarfare, the clever and sophisticated Intelligence  Operation, possibly by German New Abwehr - Google Search  - M.N. | 12:41 PM 5/27/2020 _______________________________________________________________________ Blogs from Michael_Novakhov _______________________________________________________________ Blogs from Michael_Novakhov (25 sites)   Covid-19-Review: 9:53 AM 5/26/2020 - Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks Review: Potential Uses of the Hantavirus as a Biological Weapon | Security Studies Online | Studies have shown that this virus can be shed in the feces, which means that shared bathrooms can be a source of infection. Covid-19-Review: 9:0...