12:25 PM 7/26/2020 - Igor Danchenko - Google Search
12:25 PM 7/26/2020 - Igor Danchenko - Google Search Michael Novakhov @mikenov The F.B.I. Pledged to Keep a Source Anonymous. Trump Allies Aided His Unmasking. - The New York Times https://www. nytimes.com/2020/07/25/us/ politics/igor-danchenko-steele-dossier.html … The F.B.I. Pledged to Keep a Source Anonymous. Trump Allies Aided His Unmasking. After a Russia expert who had collected research on Donald Trump for a disputed dossier agreed to tell the F.B.I. what he knew about it, law enforcement officials declassified a road map to identif... nytimes.com 7 m Michael Novakhov Retweeted The Hill ✔ @thehill NEW: Ballooning Fed balance sheet sparks GOP concerns http:// hill.cm/VMuhEyP 13 m Michael Novakhov @mikenov Secret source for anti-Trump Steele dossier is revealed https:// fxn.ws/32TehXj # FoxNews Secret source for a...