9:53 AM 5/26/2020 - Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks Review: Potential Uses of the Hantavirus as a Biological Weapon | Security Studies Online | Studies have shown that this virus can be shed in the feces, which means that shared bathrooms can be a source of infection.
Studies have shown that this virus can be shed in the feces, which means that shared bathrooms can be a source of infection. https:// time.com/5837591/unusua l-symptoms-of-coronavirus/ … _______________________________________________________________________ https://covid-19-review.blogspot.com/2020/05/953-am-5262020-mike-novas-shared.html » mikenov on Twitter: In China, the ASF virus is present not only in pig herds but also in processed products. According to Chinese authorities, the virus was found in 5% of the meat samples collected from the slaughterhouses. euromeatnews.com/Article-10-to 26/05/20 06:44 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites) In China, the ASF virus is present not only in pig herds but also in processed products. According to Chinese authorities, the virus was found in 5% of the meat samples collected from the slaughterhouses. euromeatnews.com/Article-10-ton…... » mikenov on Twitter: 10 tonnes of Chinese pork found in Italy...