07/06/20 10:31 - And now do your research and investigations, if BND did it, which looks very likely to me. And they are also engaged in spreading the artful disinformation in press. Coronavirus: BND zweifelt an Geheimdienstdossier mit Vorwürfen gegen Ch...
Honest Ole: Can such an entity exist in principle? ________________________________________________ https://covid-19-review.blogspot.com/2020/06/070620-1031-and-now-do-your-research.html _________________________________________________________________ Michael Novakhov - Posts on Twitter - 250 | Page _____________________________________ » mikenov on Twitter: And now do your research and investigations, if BND did it, which looks very likely to me. And they are also engaged in spreading the artful disinformation in press. Coronavirus: BND zweifelt an Geheimdienstdossier mit Vorwürfen gegen 07/06/20 10:31 from Michael Novakhov on Twitter from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites) And now do your research and investigations, if BND did it, which looks very likely to me. And they are also engaged in spreading the artful disinformation in press. Coronavirus: BND zweifelt an Geheimdienstdossier mit Vorwürfen gegen Ch... » mikenov on Twitter: Co...