
3:06 PM 7/11/2020 - Vice versa: rats caused the Pandemic! Rat population was amplified deliberately & globally as the tool & vector of the future Pandemic. | Rats and the COVID-19 pandemic: Early data on the global emergence of rats in response to social distancing | medRxiv

3:06 PM 7/11/2020 Vice versa: rats caused the Pandemic! Rat population was amplified deliberately & globally as the tool & vector of the future Pandemic. Rats and the COVID-19 pandemic: Early data on the global emergence of rats in response to social... Following widespread closures of food-related businesses due to efforts to curtail the spread of SARS-CoV-2, public health authorities reported increased sightings of rats in close vicinity of... 9 m   The NYT Report of 5.22. 2019 stated: " Rats Are Taking Over New York City Gentrifying neighborhoods are a key reason behind the vermin outbreak, which extends beyond New York — Philadelphia, Chicago and Los Angeles are also confronting issues. " Rats and the COVID-19 pandemic: Early data on the global emergence of rats in response to social distancing | medRxiv https://www. 1/2020.07.05.20146779v1  … Michael Novakhov @mikeno...