
8:43 AM 5/25/2020 - Was "Sars-Cov-2" modified and weaponized in a lab to include the genomic sequences from the other viruses which cause the Hemorrhagic Fevers? - M.N. | "it is possible for both scientists and terrorists to apply the same technique to synthesize more complex viruses, or develop a ‘super virus’ with extremely high infectivity, virulence or vaccine-resistance..."

The Australian Scientist who says virus was lab-grown closes in on a vaccine Nikolai Petrovsky covid - GS-I _______________________________________________________________________ DW (5.20.20) interviewed two prominent microbiologists.  Conclusions:  1. It is very difficult to say if any virus is "natural" or lab designed or modified, unless the work is crude or there are some obvious signs, such as "reporter genes" markers.   2. It is quite easy to modify and potentially weaponize any virus with the modern techniques, e.g. "CRIPR-Cas9". Dr. Thiel made it even easier with his new technique of reconstructing any virus in 1 week.  For me, the question is:  Was "Sars-Cov-2" modified and weaponized in a lab to include the genomic sequences from the other viruses which cause the Hemorrhagic Fevers to produce the symptoms of t